VECTORNET/PALEBLU Midge Models Data & Summary Document now made available

Culicoides imicola model example

Please be notified that multiple Midge models are now available to PALE-Blu partners to download.  The summary document outlining all the models including jpgs are available to registered members of the site.   Models are available on request.

The summary document can be downloaded by registered users at from the following directory: PALE-Blu Data / PB Species Distribution

The species modelled are C. imicola, C. dewulfi, C. chiopterus, C. lupicaris,  C. punctatus, C. pulicaris, and C. newsteadi. Models are also provided for C. obsoletus/C. scoticus and C. pulicaris/C. lupicaris.  C. obsoletus and C. scoticus models were run for males only, but are not shown here,
Data started to be available from 2015 (France), and with additional countries added over the succeeding 3 years.  By January 2018, data were available from France, UK, Spain, Italy, and Portugal, as well as Denmark, Iceland, Lebanon, and the Balkans. A final tranche of data were added in April and May 2018 from the Netherlands, Sweden, the Maghreb, and an eastern European transect running from the Balkans to the Baltics.

Full methodological details will be provided in a data paper to be submitted in the summer of 2019.  In the mean-time please contact for further information. 
