OneHealth NTD (Neglected Tropical Diseases) conference, London, 8-9 February 2012


We will be holding the official launch of The International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases at our OneHealth NTD conference to be held in London in February 2012 to bring the many facets of prevention and cure together for meaningful dialogue and to launch the society in an official sense - the belief on our side is that curative steps alone will not be enough to deliver change to the 1.4 billion affected people - we believe that only by providing focus to both preventative and curative approaches will give the result of positive sustainable change.

One Hope - One World - One Health

The International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases

We are a not-for-profit organisation (NPO) independently set up by post graduates of the University of London (SOAS, School of Pharmacy, Birkbeck and Kings College London). Our initial aim is to set up a society that will provide a platform for scientists, industry and government to interact and influence policy makers leading to sustainable healthcare provision in the developing world.

For more information visit

Call for abstract submissions:

It appears this conference is

It appears this conference is now scheduled for the 7th june only...

The International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to design and manage public competitions intended to encourage development of inter-disciplinary approaches and partnerships that could benefit the issue of NTD's and in particular the overall aim to provide sustainable healthcare provision to the developing world.

The OneHealth NTD award's mission is to encourage sustainable healthcare provision through incentivized competition. Our members will adjudicate on individuals, companies and organisations across all preventive and curative disciplines to develop innovative ideas and technologies that will help to eventually provide true sustainable healthcare provision to those affected by the onslaught of NTDs.

The inaugural award ceremony will take place at our OneHealth NTD congress to be held in London, 7th June 2012.

We urge all disciplines to send in abstracts, overviews or indeed contact us for further information on how to enter and participate - in paticular we aim to highlight fieldwork from within the affected countries as we aim to provide balance to the equation of prevention and cure and drive the sustainabilty curve within the affected countires as much as within the academic and industry led efforts of the developed world.

The ISNTD cordially invites you to submit abstracts for free paper, poster and video presentation. All abstracts should be submitted online.